Making life better for children, today and tomorrow

With gift planning, you can provide long lasting support for Children's Health ℠ while meeting your own financial goals.

Bradford Society

A Vision for the Future

The enduring history of Children's Health for more than a century is thanks to an extensive list of donors who have shared in a visionary commitment to the future.

The Bradford Society honors donors who believe in the continued commitment of making life better for children for generations to come.

By becoming a member of our Bradford Society, you are joining a group of loyal and passionate donors like you who have chosen to make Children's Health part of their legacy.

Bradford Society Membership is extended to the following legacy gifts:

  • A percentage or specific amount in your will
  • A charitable gift annuity or remainder trust
  • Beneficiary of your retirement plan, donor advised fund, savings or checking account
  • Beneficiary of a life insurance policy
  • Donations of mineral interest rights or real estate
  • The establishment of an endowment

If you are still considering which options may be best for you and your loved ones, please contact Kelsey Picken, our director of legacy and gift planning at [email protected] or 469-516-7024.

Please let us Know

If you have included Children's Medical Center Foundation in your will or have established other types of legacy gifts, please let us know so that we can honor you in a way that is most meaningful to you and invite you in exclusive events throughout the year.

Click here to view the Bradford Society Member Recognition Form

Let us know how we can help